The Mouse House

A mother and son try to recreate a photo while waiting in line at Disneyland.
It does not work out.
Coming soon.
A note for brave and intrepid actors: I can’t control what you do. Most of the time neither can you. Ignore stage directions. Ignore what you think I think it means. On stage someone will fuck up every time and that is great. With characters, it is funny when people have opinions. I love when what you say changes meaning depending on the reaction of someone else. Also when people mean the opposite of what they just said. I like it when people tempt the fates. Just because you say something, doesn’t mean it has to be true. The more serious you take yourself, the funnier you sometimes can be. Let your pettiness and self-regard reign. When you are defensive and hurt, you have no idea what you are talking about. Just because you mean it one moment doesn’t mean you mean it the next. No one pays attention all the time. The more you can be yourself, the better.